Only twelve more Stair Walks…

Hmmm… actually, I don’t know about “only twelve more Stair Walks” – at this point in time I have absolutely no idea how I’m going to handle tomorrow – I don’t think I’ll even have the time to squish in my “before breakfast” Stair Walk before we leave! The rest of the new furniture will be arriving tomorrow, in bits and pieces all day, starting before 8.00am, I think (not literally in bits and pieces, I hope! Dribs and drabs, maybe…) so it’ll be a very early start for us :/ I do have to be there when the furniture arrives because I’m our sort-of “de-facto” Interior Designer, and, with my fingers crossed behind my back, I’m supposed to tell the delivery men where we want everything  put (until I change my mind – then there’d better be someone there who can shift it all around for me! Crikey, I wouldn’t want to put my back out or anything! 😉 ) So we’ll probably be getting up when the sparrows are still asleep, choking down a cup of tea and our breakfast, and high-tailing it over to Stillwater – where I shall remain until after five o’clock, probably! Julian says I might just have to walk up and down the corridor a few (hundreds of!) times, but as I pointed out to him, I’ll be doing that anyway, chasing after the furniture, and where’s the “resistance” to make my muscles really work? I started looking up Exercise Equipment Rental/Hiring places this afternoon – once again, there are lots of them – but no real information on the equipment they hire/rent out, though a few put what weight they’re rated to (between 100 and 120kg, as it turns out – a couple of months ago I would still have been too heavy for them, but I’m not now! *smug look*, *preen*) Some of them have an adjustable incline, some don’t mention one – but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have an adjustable incline, it just means that they neglected to say anything about it! (see? That’s what I mean – no real, detailed, information – I suppose they expect you to ring them up or something! 😉 ) So, I don’t know whether I’ll be able to fit my Stair Walks in tomorrow – I’ll do my best, but by the same token, I ain’t a-goin’ ta fit tha three full daily Stair Walks in when I get back tomorrow night! No-way, no-how! One, I’ll do… happily… but three? Nah! (I really feel bad about it, too! 😦 )

So, the Stillwater progress report – Clarke has just about finished the en-suite sliding door – though I don’t think it’s been painted yet. It shouldn’t take too long, or be too difficult to hang a standard sized door for the Walk In Wardrobe (the en-suite entry was at least 1.5 standard doors wide!) and it also shouldn’t take too long to swap my bathroom taps over to the swivelly ones. Clarke’s off-sider Paul has removed the Bosch dishwasher in preparation for our Miele one being delivered and installed tomorrow, and I’m not too sure what the electrician has been doing – we’re not having the extra power points put in my bathroom yet – I’ll just have to rough it with extension cords and double adapters for six weeks, but there’s no point installing power points if there’s the very strong possibility that they’re going to have to be moved in a month and a half! I’ll just have to be extra careful – because extension cords and double adapters in a bathroom where things get wet and steamy are really not a terribly good idea!

We’d been a little concerned about using the glass-topped tables as desks, thinking that they might not leave enough space for us to set up a nice little “reading corner”, with a couch, or a couple of comfy chairs, a small coffee table, and a few bookcases… We needn’t have worried – after Mr. Flat-Pack Assembler had set them up, with their little chests of drawers underneath them, there was heaps of room to put in our cosy little “reading corner”! 🙂 I suggested two recliners, or at least something where we could put our feet up – Julian, however, seems to think that they’d be too “formal”, and thinks a couch would be better (actually, the words “bean bag” were heard to issue from his mouth!) I can see a little contention over this decision! 😉 Mind you, first he said that we’d have to start looking for a nice “lounge“, which was when I suggested the recliners, because although we are fairly “lovey-dovey”, I don’t want to have to cuddle up to him if I’d rather be in my own space – which was when he countered with “bean bag“. But… we’ll see… There’s no hurry…

So it’s nearly all ready for us. The new furniture will be arriving, as I said, tomorrow – the rest of our furniture – the things we’re keeping – will be arriving on Tuesday with the removalists. All the stuff we’re not bringing with us will be remaining here, to be sold in situ – anyone want a nice, comfortable blue two-recliner, 3-seater couch and two very comfortable matching recliners? As I said a while back, a list of “availables” and their approximate asking price will be posted on the blog later, when we’ve got everything organised…

I’d better get Julian to charge up my Kindle tonight – at least I can read while I’m walking up and down our fairly long corridor, which I most definitely can’t when I’m walking up and down stairs! (Winter thinks: “I wonder if I can read while walking on a treadmill??”)

Weigh-in this morning. Not the best, and in fact I was really quite annoyed! My body seems to be smugly “resting on its laurels” – I stayed at 78.4kg – the same as yesterday 😦 Not good enough, body! And this is another reason that I really don’t like the idea of missing out on my Stair Walks tomorrow! I can’t afford to! I’ll probably go up quite a bit as a result! 😦

I did a bit more Rifting this morning, and got Satai up to level 42 – I also managed to get this header to fit – I made it the day before yesterday and really liked it, but haven’t been able to use it on any of the templates I’ve used lately – I had to go searching though all the Free templates, looking for one whose layout I liked, but which didn’t insist on adding a dark grey-green gradient to the header! Only your own header, mind you, it doesn’t do it if you use one of their uninspiring combinations! I have used this template before, but you know me – I like to fiddle with graphics! 😉 So, what do you think of this one?

I’m not looking forward to tomorrow! I mean, I am looking forward to the furniture arriving, and all of that, but that’s not going to be happening continuously – there’s going to be a lot of “blank space” in between arrivals. At least after the lounge-suite arrives, I’ll have something comfortable to sit on! (and knowing my luck, it’ll be the last piece of furniture to arrive, somewhere around 5.30pm!) Oh well, Julian says that the deck table’s chairs are quite comfortable – I might have to drag one of them inside and sit on that until something more comfortable is delivered! 🙂 I won’t even be able to sit on the bed when it arrives, either, because it won’t have a mattress, it’ll just have the slats that the mattress sits on, because we’re keeping our old one (actually it’s not old, which is why we’re keeping it! It’s really fairly new…) Oh, I went and had my Warfarin blood test today, but I probably won’t get the results and my dosage instructions until tomorrow – I was supposed to have the blood test tomorrow (Friday) but because of the furniture deliveries we went today instead. Julian came home around lunch time and we went over, then he dropped me back here while he picked up the cable modem which has been disconnected from this place and turned on at Stillwater (don’t ask me! I’m totally non-technical!) I usually have my blood tests fairly early in the morning and get the results in the mid to late afternoon – but 24 hours isn’t going to make a lot of difference, especially as I wasn’t supposed to be having the test until tomorrow anyway! Tonight Julian has his last Body Corporate meeting, where he’ll officially hand back his secretary’s cap and gown! I tell you, if I were still a drinking person, I’d be opening a bottle of champagne when he gets home! Thank goodness he won’t have to deal with that any more – though they’ll probably ring him up for the next six months or more, asking him how to do “this”, or who to contact for “that”! :/ And with that “that”, once again that’s about all I have for you tonight! But be sure to call in again tomorrow night to find out if my weight has started behaving itself again, if all the furniture arrived unscathed and unscratched (the lounge-suite people just contacted Julian to let us know that the lounge – suite, the dining room table and chairs, and the hall table will be arriving between 11am and 2pm!) and with luck, there might even be some pictures up for you to look at! 🙂 Until then, though, please continue to bee good, remember always that God helps those who strive to help themselves; don’t forget to drive carefully, to keep warm, and to look after yourselves… but above all, don’t forget to stay safe! 🙂 ciao, all! 🙂

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