Winter’s log, earthdate 201602.22

Here I am, late again! Never mind – it’s been a busy day! And guess what! Arisnoë has finished Mount Hyjal, and has moved on to Deepholm, an underground continent that is entered through the Maelstrom, a massive whirlpool in the ocean between Kalimdor and The Eastern Kingdoms. I have worked my way through Deepholm before, with Wynterthyme and Mouselet, but I can’t say that I remember very much of it (probably mercifully, or I’d probably be changing my mind about wanting to get my very first Horde Garrison with Arisnoë!) I’m not too worried though – Blizzard seem to have nerfed things pretty thoroughly all through the game – and if Rizzy didn’t have any problems in Mount Hyjal, I can’t really see her having too many in Deepholm! (let’s just hope that they don’t turn out to be “famous last words”! 😉 ) I did have a pretty good run through Mount Hyjal though, because I remember it as being pretty tough going, the last time I went through there – so either my memory is “faulty”, or Blizzard have toned it down more than a few notches, and hopefully, Deepholm will be more of the same! I’m afraid I haven’t done much more about looking into Garrisons, Garrison set-ups, and Followers – I’ve been too flat-out getting Arisnoë through Mount Hyjal! I didn’t even have time to go back to Orgrimmar to visit the Bank and empty out my bulging backpacks before being rudely shunted off to Deepholm! Still, I managed to find the Portal back to Orgrimmar there, and my backpacks are now suitably cleaned out for any and all goodies that I might come across in this dark and slightly claustrophobic new zone… I’m a bit put out though – I thought I’d be going off to Pandaria after Mount Hyjal, and was quite looking forward to the pretty scenery, and I admit, I was a trifle annoyed to find myself being told to jump into the Maelstrom instead!

Julian has brought my old school Art Folio back from Doncaster – of course, it’s all wrapped up like an Egyptian Mummy, so that bits and pieces of art-work don’t fall out and get lost, and I don’t dare undo the package until I’ve found a suitable home for the Folio and its contents. It’s a temptation, though! I’m dying to look through it again – I’m especially intrigued by Julian’s mention of a couple of “still life” items in it – to the best of my knowledge, I’ve never done a “still life” – they just ain’t “me”! I can only presume that they’re a couple of mother’s paintings, that somehow got bundled into my Art Folio… unfortunately, I stupidly gave all of my best work away, years ago. I regret that now, but a couple of good pieces should still be there – “The Kindergarten Teacher”, “Cattrio” (three black cats) and “The Flower Seller”, inspired by the musical “My Fair Lady”, when it was on at Her Majesty’s in Melbourne (between 1959 and 1960, which means it was probably done when I was in “Leaving”, or Year 11, as they call it now) So… all I have to do is find a suitable “home” for it all, somewhere over here, and the wrappings can be removed! 🙂

I was having a look out at the veggie garden this afternoon, and there are a couple of decent looking tomatoes coming on, though they’re still barely turning colour – there’s also a couple of fairly sturdy young capsicum plants growing up in the second veggie bed – at the moment they look quite strong and healthy, but I’m wondering if maybe they should be tied to stakes, just in case they get a bit top-heavy? The sugar-snap peas still don’t look as though they’re doing anything, but at least they’re not dying, either… and I spotted… another couple of figs, peeking shyly out at me through their leaves! They look almost ripe, too! 🙂 I’ll get Julian to have a look at them tomorrow because it’d be a real shame if the birds got to them first… 😉 There’s still a bit of debate as to where the pigeon loft should go – I’d always envisaged it as being next to the shed, but with the longest side facing the veggie beds – it’s a hard vision to change, though I can certainly see why it would be much better situated along the fence opposite the shed, and I have to grudgingly admit that Josh is probably right – it just means that I’d have to sit at the other end of the table on the outside deck to see the birds, rather than at the end where I usually sit. I’ll have to get on to Clarke tomorrow, as I have a few more ideas for him…

Food stuffz: well, last night we had omelets for dinner, and for lunch today I had a nice sandwich, with basil and pesto hummus, and some of the really nice (Coles?) chicken-tikka sandwich chunks, or whatever they’re called… and because Julian did have some pasta sauce after all, I had a small-ish bowl of pasta for dinner tonight – with a little bit of grated Parmesan on it, and I had another of those very nice but somewhat weird Chia Pods for dessert. I wonder what the pasta will do to my weight tomorrow morning! :/ (I’ve just had to take some Panadol – I’m having trouble concentrating on what I’m writing – some nasty, invisible “thing” has started hitting the big toe joint of my left foot with a sledge hammer! It won’t stop throbbing! Owwww! *annoyed look*)

Weigh-in this morning. Getting better! 🙂 I went up another two points, from 62.2kg to 62.4kg – I wouldn’t mind going up just a bit higher (hence the pasta for dinner tonight – I miss pasta, you know…) but not too much higher – around 63kg would be good… 🙂 Anyway, at least I finally seem to be getting rid of a bit of excess fluid – my feet (even though my left foot is really giving me hell at the moment) aren’t swollen this evening, for the first time in goodness knows how long, so I’m happy (for a change! 😉 )

My favourite eldest daughter will be over tomorrow – we have to go out early tomorrow, to sign some papers for the sale of the Doncaster apartment – and we’ll pick her up on the way back, as it’s really just up the road from her place, after which we’ll come back here, have some lunch, and watch a few things on television (I’m not sure what, yet!) She’s also sent me two items – one being the trailer for the next season of Orphan Black, one of our favorite series, and which will be going to air on April 14th ( 🙂 I can’t wait! I can’t wait! 🙂 ) and the other is a short fan-fiction story set in the X-Com universe* (about which I know next to nothing!) that she’s just finished, and which I’ll read before I go to bed tonight! 🙂 Josh was over this afternoon, and as usual, my hair looks great, and he’s given us some really good ideas about the pigeon loft, and also on how to train the birds to come home when I let them out to stretch their wings. Julian’s spent most of the day closeted in the office, getting papers ready for the accountant who’s coming over next week, but all in all, it’s been a good day today, and I am well content tonight (probably because I had pasta for dinner! 😉 ) And that, once again, is about it from me for this evening! However, do drop in again tomorrow night – find out if the pasta managed to break the scales or not, and what my favourite eldest daughter and I watched in the way of television series, as well as all of the other little bits and pieces of trivia that make up my day! But until then, please bee good, don’t forget that there’s power in looking silly and not caring that you do, and remember to drive carefully, to keep cool – or warm – depending on the weather, and to look after yourselves… but most importantly, remember to stay safe! 🙂 ciao, all! 🙂

*X-COM is a science fiction video game franchise featuring the titular fictional elite international organization tasked with countering alien invasions of Earth. Wikipedia